Groups and Supergroups in Telegram | Differences | BLB - Big little Business

Groups and Supergroups in Telegram | Differences

Expert Support

Important: Telegram Expert software in many modules that interact with chats works only with supergroups. For example, the module "Chat Cloner", "Forwarder", etc. So if you have a group (It is created by default if you create it manually), you need to convert it to a supergroup, about it will be below, how to do it.

Many users have probably forgotten (or didn't know) that group chats in Telegram are of two types:
  • Groups
  • Supergroups

At this point, converting a group to a supergroup is seamless (Automatic) and you just need to do one of the actions to convert:

  • Change the group type to public (you can revert it back afterward, it will also remain a supergroup).
  • Change the "history visibility" setting for new users (you can hide it back afterwards).
  • Give any user admin rights with a custom role.
  • Configure any global permissions setting for the entire group.
  • Activate slow mode.
  • Restrict any participant.
  • Bind the group to a channel.
  • Include topics in the group.

Or wait until the group has ~200 members.

The service notification "The group has become a supergroup" will not be displayed on new clients. Everything will happen automatically after the above actions.

Benefits of a supergroup:

  • Blacklisting and availability of bans.
  • Ability to give admins a custom role.
  • Notifications are turned off by default.
  • Ability to create a public link to the group.
  • Number of participants up to 200,000 (the group will automatically become a supergroup when it reaches 200 participants).
  • Ability to customize story visibility for new participants in the conversation.
  • Ability to configure global permissions in a group (e.g. sticker ban).
  • The creator and administrators can delete all posts for all members of the group, other users can delete only their own posts, but also for all users.
Group Benefits:

  • Groups are not included in the limit of 500 channels and supergroups.
  • Any user can delete other people's posts (for themselves only).
All data and distinctions by groups and supergroups can be changed/added depending on Telegram updates. If possible, the topic will be updated. But the main differences are described here in the article.